Thursday 6 September 2012

I'm Baaaaack! (And a bit of Absolute Write love)

If there's anyone actually still reading this blog, good on you for sticking with me! I've been crazy-busy over the summer - a job + WIP + University stresses = me being a lazy blogger.

But, good news, the uni application stuff is totally (hopefully) sorted, and the WIP first and second drafts are finished. Yay!

I'm stressing out about both, because the WIP is 1st person POV and it's got a lot of grief in it, something I struggle to write well. I prefer angst when the character is the one who created it, but this story kinda spoke to me if that doesn't sound cheesy (okay it totally does). So it's out with betas and I'm just stressing out about uni now - all those new people!

I'm going to study Publishing, which makes me happy :)

But I want to say a big thank you to the writing site that kept me sane over the summer, because this WIP was troublesome and I so nearly gave up so many times. I didn't, because of the Absolute Write Water Cooler ( ). If you're a writer who hasn't joined that site, SERIOUSLY DO IT NOW RIGHT NOW. As well as all the help, support, and critiquing pages, discussions about aspects of YA/Horror/Literary/MG/anything else you can think of, it's great being part of such a community.

I'm going to stop this post because I'm gushing, and because it's not exactly the most thrilling of reading material.

But I will be back with more posts while I wait for my *amazing* betas to get back to me (and after), so keep checking back, folks!


  1. I know, right?? AW is THE BEST. I don't know what I would do without that site. (Quit, never write again, cry daily, DIE, etc.)

    1. Totally agree. Without AW I would never have known SO MANY things about writing.

  2. Love AW! I've learned so much there both with writing and querying. Best of luck with the betas :)

  3. AW is the bomb dot com. Seriously if I ever publish my books AW is getting a shout out. I also can't wait to read the bucket's sitting in my inbox whisperng to me :)))

    1. Is it sad that I've daydreamed about my 'acknowledgments' page? Lol. And yes, AW and my beta readers will definitely be mentioned in there if I ever do get published, because no way could I have done it without them :)

    2. I've also totally daydreamed about my acknowledgments page. AW will get a mention on there. Today I also decided I should mention my maids...the ones who clean so I don't have to and have more time to write ;)

      I think if I ever do get published, that acknowledgment page is going to end up being as long as the book at this rate ;)
